
Configuration for EN_ServerRestart resource

Permission Settings

Add the identifier the admin in Config.Permission

Config.Permission = { -- discord id, steam id, xbl id, ip, license id and live id

Discord Settings

Config.EnableDiscordLogs = false -- enable/disable discord logs

Config.webhookSendRestart = "" --"Put your WebHook here for restart server" 
Config.UrlImageRestartWebHook = ""--"Gif/image URL for sending restart server in Discord"
Config.UrlImageOnlineWebHook = ""--"Gif/image URL for sending when your server is online"

Config.UrlIconWebHook = ""--"Image for icon the WebHook"

Config.TextFooterWebHook = ""--"Text for the footer the WebHook"

Config.WebhookLogs = ""--"Put your WebHook here for log sending restarting server"

Config.ColorServerOnlineWebhook = '' -- green/grey/red/orange/blue/purple and white

Change Discord setting for your server Discord

Schedule Restart

Config.ScheduleDay = { -- Set the restart time for each day. Example: "['Monday'] = {'18:30', '22:00'}"    The server will be restarted every Monday at 6.30pm and 10.00pm
  ['Monday'] = {
    time = '18:30', 
    time2 = '22:00'
  ['Tuesday'] = {
    time = '18:30', 
    time2 = ''
  ['Wednesday'] = {
    time = '18:30', 
    time2 = '22:43'
  ['Thursday'] = {
    time = '18:30', 
    time2 = '22:00'
  ['Friday'] = {
    time = '18:30', 
    time2 = ''
  ['Saturday'] = {
    time = '18:30', 
    time2 = '22:00'
  ['Sunday'] = {
    time = '18:30', 
    time2 = '22:00'

Change the time of each day to restart the server at that specific time of the relevant day

Change locales

Change locales text for your language in Config.Locale

Enable Sound

Config.EnableSound = true -- Enable/disable the warning sound when there are 10 seconds left before restart 

Enable/disable the sound when the countdown is less than 10 seconds

Enable RCON

Config.EnableRconAlert = true -- Enable/disable RCON in console

Enable/disable alert message RCON in server console


Config.NameCommandRestart = 'restartserver' -- name the command for restarting server

Name the command in-game for the manual restarting server


Config.ClientNotification = function(message, type, length) -- You can change notification event here

    -- trigger event for your notify system (CLIENT)

Trigger event for the send notify client-side. Example:

Config.ServerNotification = function(source, message, type, length) -- You can change notification event here
    -- trigger event for your notify system (SERVER)

Trigger event for the send notify server-side. Example:

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